We would like to invite you to the meeting of eCommerce logistics practitioners - MeetComm 2024 - organized at our university in the Leon Kozminski Auditorium on May 16, 2024 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.   Logistics and eCommerce experts will share their knowledge during three discussion blocks:

- Block I: Scaling eCommerce. Cross-Border Logistics - Block II: Efficient eCommerce Operations. Inside the company - Block III: Security of e-commerce operations

You will also be able to test your knowledge during the eCommerce QUIZ!

In addition to the panel discussions and speakers, an Oxford debate is planned, as well as a networking game that will allow you to get to know other participants and a great opportunity to expand your eCommerce knowledge. The meeting will conclude with an informal evening at the Warsaw Barge.

Details of the program and registration form can be found on the event page:
Sign up!