
Horizon Europe: Link4Skills

Horizon Europe: Link4Skills is a global research and innovation project on skill shortages. The acronym reflects the objectives of the call by linking for/4 fair skill matching.

It embeds 4 processes of responding to skill shortages: re/up skilling of established populations (incl. migrants and inactive women), raising wages, automation and migration.

It considers 4 continents: Europe, Africa, Asia and America, where skill shortages and skill flows will be analysed. It develops the AI-Assisted Skill Navigator for stakeholders from employment, vocational training organisations in origins and destinations.

Overall budget
EUR 2 999 350,00
Project duration
01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Funded by
European Commission within Horizon Europe Framework Programme (project no. 101132476)

Horizon Europe: Link4Skills will scrutinize: (a) how to identify the existing and emerging required skills in changing labour markets?; (b) how the EU should respond to skill shortages?; (c) how to recruit the required skills from various pools either from the existing workforce (including established migrant populations and inactive women) also supported by automation, and from the workforce from non-EU countries?

The project combines data on skill gaps and matching in the EU with analyses about human capital in origins; investigates emerging and established migration skill corridors between EU and India, Morocco, Ghana, Nigeria, Philippines, Indonesia, and Ukraine, in order to make enriched inventories of skill partnerships.

The project achieves its aims via econometric microsimulations based on EU databases, combining skill supply and demand, and by data collections and stakeholders’ expertise oversees.The knowledge will be nested in the AI-Assisted Skill Navigator (TRL5) which is a Knowledge-Based Expert System, that goes beyond existing policy dashboards. It is an open access system available to public. It is co-created by labour market stakeholders in every partner country. Partners will take care about stakeholders’ involvements in the project, by enhancing tailormade communication and dissemination. The project will also produce Horizon Europe: Link4Skills Podcast Series and academic outlets.


1. Kozminski University (LEADER); 2. Internationale Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse; 3. Ryerson University (Toronto Metropolitan University) 4. Universität Osnabrück; 5. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; 6. Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology; 7. SPIA UG 8. University of Ghana 9. Association Migration Internationale 10. Higher Educational Institution - Ukrainian Catholic University 11. Scalabrini Migration Center 12. International Centre for Migration Policy Development 13. iTTi

Scientific Coordinator

Prof. Izabela Grabowska

Professor Izabela Grabowska is sociologist and economist; full professor of social sciences; I was granted PhD by Department of Economics at University of Warsaw and Master Degrees (in economic sciences by University College Dublin and in sociology by University of Wroclaw); in 2021 I joined the Department of Economics at Kozminski University, and set up, as a director, CRASH Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility; in 2016-2021 I was a director of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of SWPS University, Warsaw; in 2002-2019 I was Research Fellow at the Centre of Migration Research in Warsaw (currently I am a member of its Scientific Board); in 2008-2019 I was a member of IMISCOE Executive Board and Board of Directors; I am a national expert of the European Commission in: ESCO and European Mobility Partnership; now for European Labour Agency, for European Employment Services EURES; I am a co-author of research monograph: Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital. Insights from Central Europe and Mexico (with Jastrzebowska; Routledge 2022); The Impact of Migration on Poland: EU Mobility and Social Change (with White, Kaczmarczyk and Slany, UCL Press 2018) and Migrants as Agents of Change (with Garapich, Jazwinska and Radziwinowiczowna, Palgrave Macmillan 2017); co-editor of Mobility in Transition. Migration Patterns After EU Enlargement (Amsterdam University Press 2013). I led research projects on: migrants’ careers, social remittances, peer-groups & migration (ended in 2020), life courses of young migrants & Brexit (ended in 2021), migrant liquid integration (H2020 MIMY, ended in 2023). In 2023 I won as a scientific coordinator Horizon Europe research project Link4Skills. 

Project manager

Ph.D. Agata Jastrzębowska

Social, organization and work psychologist. 

She works as a post doc in the BigMig research project: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities carried out at the Kozminski University in Warsaw (Poland), under the supervision of Professor Izabela Grabowska. 

Quantitative researcher, interested in the subject of the impact of the migration experience on human well-being and its resources. 

In 2009-2021, she worked at the SWPS University, where she held various organizational positions and did teaching, i.e., she was Dean's Represenative for Internships and Alumni or Expert at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School for implementation doctorates and evaluation. Earlier, she completed MA studies (social psychology, 2008) and doctoral studies (psychology, 2016) at the SWPS University. 

In 2015-2016, she cooperated with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where she co-created the Polish Graduate tracking system. 

She creates her research agenda around four concepts: migration, social competences, interpersonal communication and Competency job fit. 

She is the originator and leader of the social campaign Talk to me kindly, the aim of which is to promote assertive communication in the society, in line with the model of Nonviolent Communication.

Natalia Kosikowska

Project Finance Controlling Consultant

Her role in the Project Management Office is to handle accounts, draw up reports and provide support in the implementation of project. Graduate of the History Department of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. For 8 years she has been involved in grant activities and comprehensive service at every stage of the project life: from application to reckoning. She appreciates procedures, she likes to learn and face challenges.

She loves French fries with mayonnaise, the sea and long walks and listening to podcasts.

mgr Joanna Pniewska