NatWest as a Partner in Kozminski University Classes!


A unique collaboration between practitioners and Kozminski University! This time, the forces are joined with NatWest Group Poland. As part of the collaboration, the company's experts will conduct practical classes in selected study programs. The top students will also have the opportunity to present their projects to the business leaders.

Kozminski University has been inviting practitioners to co-teach classes and courses for years to provide its students with access to current, practical knowledge. Polish and international companies are also involved in designing and conducting courses and tailor-made development programs. This type of activity is also the subject of a cooperation agreement signed last week between the university and NatWest Group in Poland.

In the case of NatWest Group in Poland, the form of cooperation is slightly more extensive, as, in addition to substantive collaboration, which includes conducting four modules of classes, it also involves participating in student assessments.

Classes with NatWest Group Poland, focusing on project management issues, are part of the English-language undergraduate program in Management and AI. The company's experts will guide students through the successive stages of the project management process and share their practical experience. The main goal will be to consolidate theoretical knowledge by understanding the practical dimension of project management. This approach aims to ensure the complexity and understanding of the complex topic of project management at various levels. As a final assessment for the subject, students will have to apply their knowledge and skills by preparing a project requiring the analysis of real data in the context of a theoretical approach to project management in a technological environment. They will present the results of their work in the Dragon's Den format, and the best groups will be invited to the NatWest Group Poland headquarters to present their ideas to the company's management.

The pilot project with NatWest Group Poland is a great reason for joy for us, emphasizes Dr. Monika Sońta from the Department of Management in Network Society at Kozminski University. We hope that such a dimension of cooperation will become more common, allowing our students not only to work on real data but also to present the results of their work to business practitioners. We are convinced that the practical dimension of classes will positively impact the consolidation of previously acquired knowledge and inspire further development. As a leading business school in Central and Eastern Europe, we value the opportunities to confront scientific knowledge with market practice - she adds.


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